The Difference Between Concrete & Asphalt Blades

As salespeople, one of the most common questions we receive is, “What is the difference between blades…specifically the difference between concrete and asphalt blades?”

The simplest answer lies in the bond of the blade. The bond refers to the metals that secure the diamonds in place. This bond is composed of metal powder, which can be a combination of various metals such as cobalt, tungsten, nickel, and copper. Asphalt, being softer than concrete, requires the use of harder metals in the bond, such as cobalt and tungsten. Conversely, for concrete blades, the bond comprises softer metals like nickel and copper.

Another key difference in the design of asphalt versus concrete blades lies in the core. Asphalt blades feature segments that penetrate further into the core, including drop segments, wedge segments, radial segments, or tungsten or carbide kickers. This design is necessary because asphalt is more abrasive than concrete. Without these additional features, the blade risks undercutting and thinning out due to the abrasive compounds encountered during cutting.

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Furthermore, there is a variation in the bonds available. Concrete compositions differ significantly between regions; for instance, concrete in Texas may vary from that in Florida. At our company, we offer over two dozen different bonds on our professional wet blades, allowing us to match the bond to the exact aggregate in each customer’s area. In contrast, while asphalt across the country tends to be more uniform, there can still be variations. At Diamond Blade Warehouse, we provide four different bonds of professional wet asphalt blades to accommodate different cutting needs.

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In conclusion, the differences between asphalt and concrete blades extend beyond surface-level distinctions. Understanding the nuances in bond composition, core design, and bond variety is crucial for achieving optimal cutting results. With the right blade tailored to the specific requirements of the material being cut, professionals can enhance efficiency, precision, and longevity in their cutting operations.

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